Faculty/Staff Help Center

The OTS Faculty/Staff Help Center is the primary point-of-contact for computing questions and technology issue resolution for TU faculty and staff. If you are a student, please contact Student Computing Services for assistance.

The Faculty/Staff Help Center can resolve more than 60% of problems and issues during the first telephone call. When necessary, the staff will arrange for an office visit by a technician using our Triage and Service prioritization (PDF).  

help center staff answering phones and working on computers


Call 410-704-5151 during the hours listed below, and follow the voice menu options. 

After Hours FAQ (PDF)
  • Fall and Spring Semester: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m-7 p.m., Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 
  • January and Summer: Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 
  • After Hours (All Year): Assistance is available nights, weekends and holidays through our support partner whenever the campus Faculty/Staff Help Center is closed. Please listen to the recording for instructions when calling after hours. 
electronic devices and data


Get a quick response from a Faculty/Staff Help Center staff member during our business hours. Click the Chat with Faculty/Staff Help Center button at the bottom of the screen to start a chat. 


help center staff showing client how to update phone

Walk-In service

Walk-In help is available by appointment only. Once booked, you'll receive a confirmation email with directions and info on how to change an appointment.  Learn more (PDF)


Help center staff looking at computer screen


OTS, with your permission, can view your desktop or take control of your computer to fix problems, install software or demonstrate a process. This remote control service is available for computers connected to TU's wired network (currently not available over wireless networks). 

staff member recieving technology support at a desk


Issues that can't be resolved by phone are assigned within one hour to a technician who will contact you within four business hours to schedule an appointment. We operate out of three campus precinct offices for rapid response. Hours: Monday-Thursday: 8:30a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

keyboard key displaying the word "support"


Submit a TechHelp online service request with technology-related problems or questions. An OTS technician will respond to your request.

Information on frequently requested topics:

How are we doing? The CIO of the Office of Technology Services wants to hear from you! Submit your feedback using our online form.

Online Feedback Form


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Contact Information

OTS Faculty/Staff Help Center

Cook Library Academic Commons, Rm 336